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Social Media Platform Office Expansion


Social Media Platform Office Expansion


Marina Boulevard




Design Consultancy

Floor Area


This newly redesigned office is a functional space that not only promotes productivity but also encourages moments of relaxation and socialization.

The Singapore premises is the social media platform’s third office to be established in the Asia-Pacific region, after India and Australia. Chosen for its strategic location, the Singapore office serves as the Asia-Pacific headquarters, acting as a link for the company’s strategic partnerships, member engagement, and sales and marketing.

SCA Design was engaged to design the office expansion located at the Central Business District of Singapore. Inspired by the vibrancy and communality of the district, the design aims to “bring the outside in” – a refined translation of the culture of alfresco and outdoor squares where meaningful interactions take place. This aspiration is reflected in the key communal areas at the expanded premises such as the Micro Kitchen and the Campfire.​

SCA studied the different levels of the existing office and designed suitable spatial narratives. The existing floor is reminiscent of colonial times, with the spaces sporting black and white tones and rattan finishes. The rooms on this level are named after spices as the spice trade was a primary activity during that era.

The designers continued this narrative with the concept of a “Humble Heartland” on the new premises, built around Singapore’s distinctive public housing, hawker centres, outdoor spaces, playgrounds, and so on. In a similar manner, the “neighbourhood” comprises the essentials for living – a micro kitchen, open plan workstations, team hub, and both enclosed and open collaboration areas. The team designed the space as a representation of contemporary, 21st century Singapore with architectural landmarks depicted in commissioned artwork, and iconic bridges used as room names.

In achieving the design intent, focus was placed on the selection of materials to accurately underscore a local flavour. Adopting “outdoor” materials and incorporating biophilic elements are some of the strategies employed in the design process. Besides materiality, the design language of the surrounding architecture as influenced by a culture or era, is also subtly translated through shapes, colours and patterns, evoking familiarity for the Singapore context.